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Updates 2023

The 2023 Regular Session of the Louisiana began at 12 noon on Monday, April 10, and must adjourn sine die no later than 6 p.m. on Monday, June 10. The LAFP Board of Directors and Legislative and Advocacy Committee recently met and reviewed all of the bills that have been filed. Over 800 bills were introduced, with the LAFP following 59 House bills and 19 Senate bills. The primary healthcare concern will revolve around the expansion of scope for allied healthcare groups. We will continue to follow all concerns with diligence and vigor. Click here to view the full LAFP tracking list.

What's Happening This Week

House Appropriations
Monday, May 01, 2023  9:00 AM   Committee Room 5

Bill #   Author Description Position
HB 1 Zeringue Provides for the ordinary operating expenses of state government for Fiscal Year 2023-2024 
(Neutral Monitor) 
HCR 2 Schexnayder Provides for a hospital stabilization formula
(Neutral Monitor)

House Civil Law & Procedure
Monday, May 01, 2023  12:00 noon (note time change)  Committee Room 4

Bill #  Author  Description Position
HB 266
Landry Provides relative to the civil liability and criminal prosecution of certain pregnancy outcomes (Neutral Monitor)

Senate Finance
Monday, May 01, 2023  11:00 AM   Committee Room A/B

Bill #  Author Description Position
SB 12
Fields  Requires an automated external defibrillator on the premises of all educational institutions and at sponsored athletic events (For) 
SB 41
Mizell Establishes a tax credit for certain maternal wellness centers (Neutral Monitor)

House Administration of Criminal Justice
Tuesday, May 02, 2023  9:00 AM   Committee Room 5

Bill #  Author  Description  Position 
HB 55 Selders Provides relative to mental health treatment of incarcerated people (Neutral Monitor)
HB 106
Miller, D. Adds Xylazine to Schedule II of the Uniform Controlled Dangerous Substances Law (Neutral Monitor)

House Education
Tuesday, May 02, 2023  9:00 AM   Committee Room 1

Bill #  Author  Description  Position 
HB 182 Edmonston  Provides that no person shall be required to receive a COVID-19 vaccine as a condition of enrollment or attendance at any public or nonpublic school (Neutral Monitor)
HB 289 Ivey  Provides relative to organ donation instruction in public high schools (For)
HB 399 Edmonston  Requires that communication issued about immunization requirements include exemption information and applies exemptions not only to students seeking to enter school but also to students attending school (Against)

House Health & Welfare
Tuesday, May 02, 2023  9:00 AM   Committee Room 5

Bill # Author Description Position
HB 427 Crews Provides relative to disclosure by healthcare facilities to patients of prices for certain items and services (Neutral Monitor)
HB 463
Firment Prohibits certain procedures to alter the sex of a minor child
(Neutral Monitor)
HB 582 Ivey
Provides relative to Medicaid
HB 599
Miller, D.
Authorizes certain healthcare practitioners to complete documentation related to illness and end of life treatment (Against)

Senate Judiciary C
Tuesday, May 02, 2023  10:00 AM   Committee Room C

Bill #  Author  Description  Position 
SB 94
Kleinpeter Adds certain substances to the Uniform Controlled Dangerous Substance Law (Neutral Monitor)

House Judiciary
Wednesday, May 03, 2023  9:30 AM (note date change)  Committee Room 1 Committee Room 1

Bill #   Author  Description  Position 
HB 17
Newell Provides relative to the regulation of cannabis (Neutral Monitor)
HB 329 Thompson Provides relative to the payment of fees for coroner's services
(Neutral Monitor)
Senate Health & Welfare
Wednesday, May 03, 2023  11:00 AM   John J. Hainkel, Jr. Room
Bill # Author Description Position
HB 123 Stagni Provides relative to nursing home requirements and standards for emergency preparedness plans  (Neutral Monitor) 
HB 200
LaFleur Provides relative to newborn screening for certain genetic conditions  (For Monitor) 
HB 291 Owen, C. Provides for visitation policies at certain healthcare facilities and requires that such policies allow for in-person visitation  (Neutral Monitor) 
HB 319 Stagni Repeals licensure by endorsement for registered nurses  (Neutral Monitor) 
House Labor & Industrial Relations
Wednesday, May 03, 2023  9:30 AM (note date change)  Committee Room 5 Committee Room 5 Committee Room 5
Bill #  Author  Description  Position 
HB 351
Landry Provides relative to a recommendation of medical marijuana in employment  
(Neutral Monitor)

We need YOUR help to be successful this Session!

We have provided a checklist of items to complete before Session starts that will help us in protecting your profession.

  • Find out who your legislators are.
    Click here to find your legislators and get into contact with them before Session.
  • Verify and update your Voter Voice information.
    Voter Voice is an essential way to let your voice be heard during Session. Having the correct information ensures that we are reaching as many members as possible and keeps members up-to-date on important issues.  Click here to familiarize yourself with upcoming Session concerns and the types of messages we will push through Voter Voice.
  • Use Twitter to follow @lafp_familydocs, your legislators, and the hashtag #LALeg to keep up with the conversations during Session.

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