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The LAFP offers a mentorship program for medical students, residents and new physicians as a means to offer networking with practicing family physicians.  
Medical students interested in pursuing a career in family medicine and wanting to explore family medicine as an option for residency can enroll in the program by completing the online application form.  Students will be matched with a practicing family physician.  Our program is flexible and designed to give the student and the physician mentor the ability to customize the schedule based on school and clinic commitments.  Our program gives the student the opportunity to connect with the mentor by phone, electronic networking, or a shadowing experience.  
Residents, new-to-practice physicians or new-to-area physicians can enroll as well.  Family physicians in the local community are available to discuss practice management issues, patient care topics and offer suggestions for balancing family life and practice.  
Active members are encouraged to sign up to be a mentor.  Mentoring requires a very small time commitment as well as providing a rewarding of promoting family medicine and inspiring the next generation of physician. 
Follow the link and complete the form online to be a part of our Mentorship Program.  
For more information, please contact the LAFP by email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 225.923.3313.
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