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LAFP 59published

The Louisiana Family Doctor is LAFP's quarterly membership magazine that is published quarterly in mid- March, June, September, and December in print and digital formats.

Typical subject matter includes features on clinical topics and other subjects that affect today’s family physicians including the patient-centered medical home, practice management and technology, and health care advocacy and legislation.  The magazine also serves as a vehicle for the Louisiana Academy of Family Physicians to communicate with its members important dates, partnerships, conferences, opportunities, and other news.

The current circulation is more than 1,900. Subscribers include the entire LAFP membership, Louisiana and national legislators, the American Academy of Family Physicians constituent chapter executives, and Louisiana medical associations.

Your organization may use this publication as a tool to help meet your marketing or recruiting objectives. By advertising in The Louisiana Family Doctor, you can reach a large, highly targeted audience at a reasonable rate. Both classified and display advertising is accepted. For more information, view the advertising rates and deadlines.

The editorial team of LAFP welcomes contributions. If you have an idea for an article that might be of interest to readers, please consider submitting it for publication. For more information on submitting an article, please review protocol for authors.

Questions? Contact the LAFP by phone at 225.923.3313 or by email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


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