The LAFP Education Committee requests the submission of articles or case studies for publication Louisiana Family Doctor. Articles should be no longer than 2000 words (unless the topic requires more in-depth treatment). We also welcome tables, graphics, etc. Please title articles and include a current CV or short biography and a suitable photo with submissions.

For questions or additional details, please contact the LAFP office at 225.923.3313 or by email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Please prepare and send your article according to the following protocol:

Length/Photo/CV: Articles should be no longer than 2000 words (preferably shorter but we understand that certain topics need more in-depth treatment). We also welcome tables, graphics, etc.  Please title articles and include a current CV or short biography and a suitable photo with submissions. 

Submission: Articles must be submitted via e-mail to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Please send photographs in .jpg format (resolution must be at least 300 dpi or 500 KB in size). 

Article Type: Articles submitted may be an individual case presentation, a case series, original research, literature review or opinion/commentary. Other article types may also be appropriate, subject to approval by the editorial board.

REMEMBER- Case studies completed by residents with an advisory faculty member are accepted for review.     

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Student Corner: We encourage our student members to submit articles for each issue. Articles can be an experience the student's have had, observations or opinion. Let the members hear from the future family physicians.
Resident Corner: Residents are encouraged to submit articles about their residency experience, tips for other residents and traditional journal articles if they meet the criteria.
News in Brief: The "news in brief" section of the magazine welcomes announcements from members including awards as well as events to name to a few.

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