Leadership Information for LAFP Members  

LAFP policies and principles are determined by its members. Members of the General Assembly include any active LAFP member and one medical student and one resident elected for a term of one year to serve as delegates, all of whom must be members in good standing. The General Assembly meets annually and has the responsibility to establish organizational policies and principles, which are carried out between annual meetings by the Board of Directors and committees. The General Assembly elects the Board, which in turn appoints committee members. The Board and committees operate to further the mission of the LAFP: promote and support Louisiana's family physicians in providing excellent health care and to provide its members with continuing medical education opportunities. 

How does one get involved in General Assembly?

The General Assembly is the LAFP’s policy-making body. It elects officers and directors to serve on the Board of Directors. Its membership is composed of any active member in good standing and one student and one resident of whom is elected to serve a one year term. Any LAFP member can be involved in the General Assembly’ annual meeting (i.e., testifying during the meeting.)

How does one get elected to the Board?

The Louisiana Academy of Family Physicians Nominating Committee seeks quality leaders to serve on the LAFP Board of Directors.  Board members are expected to attend meetings and take part in the decision-making process. They are required to exercise a reasonable degree of knowledge, skill and care in bringing their best judgment to the performance of their responsibilities. The Board meets quarterly with meetings scheduled during the spring (March/April), summer (Annual Assembly), fall (September/October), and winter (January/February). It is the duty of the Board members to remain informed of all Academy issues, to study the materials that are distributed to them and to exercise sound judgment in arriving at decisions. The Board of Directors exercises the ultimate executive responsibility and authority of the LAFP.
Each year, the General Assembly elects new officers and members to serve on the Board of Directors. In order to become a candidate for the Board, a member must be nominated.
Learn more about the responsibilities for each position:
President (2 page PDF)
President-elect (2 page PDF)
Vice President (1 page PDF)
Secretary (1 page PDF)
Treasurer (2 page PDF)

How does one get involved in a Committee?

LAFP committees make recommendations to the Board of Directors regarding policy, development of new programs and projects, improvements to current activities, and potential discontinuation of activities. Committee members are expected to participate fully in the meetings and activities of the committee. Members should recognize that these positions are competitive and each member’s participation is critical to the successful work of the committee.
In order to serve on a committee, a member must complete the sign up form and email to Ragan LeBlanc at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Conflict of Interest

In accordance with LAFP policy, members of the LAFP Board of Directors are required to provide LAFP with a statement regarding actual or potential conflicts of interest. Conflict of interest statements for individual directors are available upon request. Requests should be directed to the Executive Vice President at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..  All board members should sign the Code of Ethics Form and return it to the LAFP office.

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