Hurricane Prepare Now Disasters and emergencies can happen at any time. Are you prepared? Is your practice prepared?

With the ever-present threat of hurricane activity in Louisiana, the LAFP urges all members to get prepared!  Here is a list of helpful resources: (source:

Checklist for Disaster Preparedness

  • Stay informed on the evolving event, and share that information with personnel/staff/employees to ensure enough time to take appropriate action
  • Maintain an updated contact list of all personnel/staff/employees, including home phone numbers, cellphones and other emergency contact number and encourage staff to share their personal evacuation plans and their availability for post-event emergency efforts
  • Make decisions early about closing the office, or availability in services provided by your practice to your patients
  • Communicate major changes in your office operations with patients; Be prepared to answer questions about rescheduling options, alternative treatment facilities and what they can do to maintain care of their diagnosed conditions
  • Charge cell phones and laptops prior to event
  • Bring office server and back up files with you in the event of an evacuation; Files may not be easily accessed on another server with different software
  • In the event of an evacuation, take important office business documents, such as insurance policies, payroll information, lease agreements, etc., with you when you leave
Healthcare and Disaster Planning (LSMS) - DOWNLOAD the document
Call 1-888-LAHELPU (524-3578) for up to the minute information on obtaining food, water & shelter; volunteering for rescue/recovery efforts; prescription assistance; missing persons and more.

Volunteering in a Disaster

Louisiana Volunteers in Action -
The Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals-Office of Public Health recently launched its brand new volunteer management web site. LAVA, or Louisiana Volunteers in Action, is the program responsible for recruiting the Department's volunteer workforce (medical and non-medical). The LAVA web site will allow individuals to register to volunteer to help the state during health emergencies and day-to-day activities. LAVA also provides web-based emergency preparedness training to volunteers at no cost.

The Louisiana Emergency Medical Unit -
The mission of the Louisiana Emergency Medical Unit (LEMU), a 501(c) 3 non-profit corporation, is to increase emergency surge capacity by providing high-quality basic medical care during periods of emergency and disaster as a community service to the citizens of Louisiana.To contact LEMU during a disaster or for immediate assistance, please call (337) 852-8771.

Web Resources and Links

Mercy Flight Southeast -
A non-profit organization that has been in existence since 1983. Their mission is to provide free air transportation to children and adults with medical and other compelling humanitarian needs. 850+ plus pilots provide their time, fuel, and personal planes completely free to passengers. This organization manages requests for humanitarian flights in South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, and Louisiana.

LA Governor's Office of Homeland Security -
When a hurricane strikes, will you be ready? It's critical that you are, for your safety and your family's. The key is to have a winning game plan. On this page, you'll find links to PDFs and web sites that can help you develop a simple but successful game plan for your family. That way, they'll know what to do, where to go and who to call when there's a hurricane.
American Red Cross -
Being prepared for emergencies is crucial at home, school, work and in your community. Disaster can strike quickly and without warning. It can force you to evacuate your neighborhood, workplace or school or can confine you to your home. What would you do if basic services – water, gas, electricity or telephones – were cut off? Local officials and relief workers will be on the scene after a disaster, but they cannot reach everyone right away. The best way to make you and your family safer is to be prepared before disaster strikes.
Prepared, Not Scared -
Helps children and families deal with the emotions brought on by hurricanes.
Centers for Disease Control -
Louisiana Assistive Technology Access Network -
LATAN urges Louisiana residents who use Assistive Technology (AT) to make plans and become prepared to be able to evacuate with all AT devices and components necessary for independent daily living in the face of imminent flooding. In addition to being personally prepared for all disasters, LATAN offers this checklist of suggestions that users of AT can follow when faced with evacuation.
Homeland Security's Web site -
For information in Spanish, visit Individuals can also call 1-800-BE-READY or 1-888-SE-LISTO for more emergency preparedness information.

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