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LaFamPac is the Louisiana Academy of Family Physicians’ state political action committee (PAC). Its purpose is to help elect candidates to the LA Legislature who support LAFP’s legislative goals and objectives with the intention to strengthen the voice of the LAFP and Family Medicine in Louisiana. We support candidates who are prioritize quality health care and educate candidates seeking public office.
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This voluntary family medicine PAC provides Louisiana family physicians a strong voice in the LA state legislature and helps the Academy in its efforts to impact both health policy and the overall practice environment. LaFamPac contributions do not buy votes and aren't expected to. The LAFP believes organizations and their members who make contributions are more likely to be heard during the legislative process. Overall, the goal of LaFamPac is to build awareness of the Academy among members of the legislature and help impact related policy discussions.
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Your LaFamPac Dollars at Work:

  • Protect medicaid reimbursement from larger cuts
  • Prohibit further expansion of other providers and disciplines into primary care scope of practice
  • Thwart regulations that add to administrative overload and impede patient access to quality care


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