The Degree of Fellow recognizes AAFP members who have distinguished themselves among their colleagues, as well as in their communities, by their service to Family Medicine, by their advancement of health care to the American people and by their professional development through medical education and research. Fellows of the AAFP are recognized as Champions of Family Medicine. They are the physicians who make family medicine the premier specialty in service to their community and profession. From a personal perspective, being a Fellow signifies not only 'tenure' but one's additional work in your community, within organized medicine, within teaching, and a greater commitment to continuing professional development and/or research.

Application Requirements

Any Active, Life or Inactive member, with dues and re-elections in good standing, may, upon application to the American Academy of Family Physicians, be elected to receive the Degree of Fellow upon fulfilling the following requirements:

  1. Member must have held Active membership for six years, or held a combination of Resident and Active membership for a total of six years.
  2. Accrue a grand total of 100 points as defined by this application. Cite experiences and activities in the following areas: Life-Long Learning, Practice Quality and Improvement,
  3. Volunteer Teaching, Public Service, Publishing and Research, and Service to the Specialty.
  4. Submit a one-time fee of $210. (Note: Credit card will be charged at the time the application is submitted. If the application is rejected, a full refund will be issued.)

Apply Online or download the application form.

The Meaning of Fellowship
The Degree of Fellow was established in 1971 by the Congress of Delegates (revised in 1992) as an avenue for special recognition of those members of the AAFP who have distinguished themselves among their colleagues, as well as in their communities, by their service to Family Medicine, the advancement of health care to the American people and by their professional development through medical education and research. As a Fellow of the American Academy of Family Physicians, these distinguished individuals are entitled to all the privileges, ceremony and honor bestowed by this degree. 
Fellowship Pledge
As a Fellow of the American Academy of Family Physicians, I shall pursue these goals:
  • to provide comprehensive and continuing health care to my patients, placing their welfare above all else;
  • to exemplify and substantiate the highest traditions of my profession through an informed and scientific practice of Family Medicine,
  • and to strive for professional enrichment through a rigorous program of continuing education.  

I pledge my full participation and talents to the fulfillment of these objectives because they are the principles upon which the Academy was founded and because by so doing, I can better serve my profession, myself and mankind.

The LAFP has an opportunity to offer the Degree of Fellow Convocation Ceremony at our Annual Members Assembly. For more details, contact the LAFP office by phone at 225.923.3313 or email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


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