Recent action from the Senate Finance Committee and the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation (CMMI) signals that federal policymakers and regulatory leaders are listening to family physicians’ calls and recognize that a strong primary care foundation is essential to a high-performing health care system.

AAFP CEO R. Shawn Martin testified before the Senate Finance Committee and outlined how health care consolidation impacts primary care. Additionally, CMMI launched a new state-based multi-payer model called Making Care Primary, which will support independent primary care practices in the transition to value-based payment. While details of the model are still forthcoming, the AAFP is pleased to see that many aspects of CMMI’s new model reflect recommendations for value-based primary care that the AAFP has been sharing for several years.

For more information, read AAFP’s press release and read Friday’s AAFP News email for a news story, A Word from the President blog, and our In the Trenches blog.

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